Teaterdagene 2023

Improkurs – Masterclass

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Dette kurset foregår på engelsk.

What are the seven habits of highly effective improvisers? We’ll look at each in turn and use exercises and improv games to really
explore them in depth. Fifteen years of improv experience distilled into seven bullet points.

Listen Be a better listener. It’s a fundamental skill in improv. Everything else you do proceeds from a state of receptivity.
Accept & build Enter as a blank slate. Be inspired by what your partner gives you and offer something of yourself in response.
Be generous Let your default position be one of play – positive, accepting and joyful.
Feel something & be changed Don’t treat the scene as an intellectual exercise. How do your characters feel about each other? Be willing to be changed by those feelings.
Play intentionally Make offers with brevity and clarity. Pace yourself. Use specifics.
Build from you Take inspiration from your own life. Share something of yourself. How is this scene different because you are in it?
Live in the now What is happening now? Not in the future. Not in the past. Not to other people. But. Right. Now. Discover, don’t invent. 

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Rabattkode: EARLYBIRD2024 

Chris Mead

Chris Mead is is an improviser, writer and creator. He lives in the Surrey Hills with his wife, Laura and his Cavapoo dog-pal, Radio.

He believes passionately that improv can make us better artists and more empathetic human beings. Chris has collaborated with improv schools, festivals and performers worldwide – choosing projects that aim to share the joy and craft of the art form. He is a head teacher at Hoopla Impro, the biggest Improv school in the UK, as well as offering numerous indie classes under his own name.

Chris performs with legendary sci-fi improv team, Project2 and experimental theatrical collective, Duologues. He is particularly interested in the worlds of improv and virtual reality, exploring the possibilities as a performer and director in shows such as Thirteen Cycles, The Galaxicle Implosions and House of Masks.

Chris studied theatre at the prestigious Royal Holloway college and continues to explore improv with every school, theatre and practitioner he can find.